Cllr Russ Woolley
- Address
- Please contact Cllr Woolley via the Parish Clerk at 20 Abbots Way, Roade, Northants. NN7 2LY
- Telephone
- 01280 851178
Register Of Interests Cllr R Woolley (PDF, 2.7 Mb)
Register of Interests Cllr R Woolley
I have lived in Syresham since moving from Towcester in 2013. Having retired from a full-time career in sales I now work on a freelance basis and enjoy being actively involved with a number of organisations in the village including The Syresham Times and the Take Your S.E.A.T. theatre company.
I very much appreciate the village's friendly and supportive community and look forward to playing a role in its future development.